|  |  Wed May 4, 2005 FOREMORE Project Technical Report
| Vancouver, British Columbia: Roca Mines Inc. ("Roca" or the "Company") announces that a NI 43-101 technical report entitled Progress Report on the Mineral Exploration of the FOREMORE Property (the "Report") has been prepared for the Company by Mr. W.A. Sandy Sears, P.Geo. and Mr. John J. Watkins, P.Geo., both qualified persons as defined by NI 43-101. The Report has been filed and is available for viewing via the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com or at www.rocamines.com.
The Report summarizes the results of geological fieldwork and drilling conducted by the Company in 2004 and describes numerous targets and mineral showings in detail. The authors also highlight FOREMORE's potential to host different types of deposit settings, broadly classified into three types and in order of relative importance;
(i) VMS-Gold-Silver -- (volcanogenic massive sulphide) comprising base and precious metal-rich mineralization related to felsic volcanic rocks;
(ii) Copper-Gold skarn - mineralization related to intrusive stocks cutting calcareous rocks; and
(iii) Vein - numerous high grade gold and silver mineralized veins.
Significantly, two discrete stratigraphic horizons have been identified at FOREMORE, each with the potential to host large-scale VMS deposits. The More Creek Rhyolite has been identified as a primary VMS target and is located along the southeast side of More Creek Flats. The target occurs below 1,200 m (3,940 ft) elevation and over an impressive strike distance of 3,500 m (11,485 ft), encompassing VMS mineralized surface discoveries at the "North", "BRT", "Digger" and the "Ryder".
To date, Roca has drilled a number of widely spaced holes located away from the surface showings and consistently intersected thick intervals of the target More Creek Rhyolite. The rhyolite is observed to be in excess of 350 m (1,150 ft) thick and mineralization in most of the drill holes is well developed over wide intervals, in addition to the top contact. Significant assays from mineralized intersections in drill holes include (see previously issued press releases of September 1, 2004, October 14, 2004, October 25, 2004 and November 17, 2004 for complete assay results):
Table 1. Selected Assay Results from the FOREMORE Project
Drill Interval Assay
Hole # (m) Cu Pb Zn Ag Au
(%) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
FM04-02 1.30 0.38 4.02 12.23 811 1.41
FM04-04 2.10 0.25 1.69 7.59 1561 22.85
FM04-05 1.00 0.68 2.82 7.86 215 6.33
FM04-06 1.50 0.02 <0.01 0.10 330 27.03
FM04-32 0.80 2.22 1.28 8.64 85 26.5
FM04-33 2.35 1.35 0.19 2.72 59 0.58
FM04-33 3.00 0.44 0.51 4.48 364 0.42
FM04-36 19.00 0.11 0.05 0.96 5 0.14
FM04-36 8.70 0.22 0.10 0.99 18 0.37
A second VMS stratigraphic horizon with potential to host VMS deposits is observed at the SG Rhyolite located above 1,600 m (5,250 ft) elevation, extending over 5,000 m (16,400 ft) to the "Rhino" massive pyrite showing. No work was completed at the SG Zone in 2004.
Messrs. Sears and Watkins conclude that compelling evidence for a major VMS system at the Foremore Property exists, as summarized below:
• VMS mineralization including bedded, massive sulphide mineralization, both in outcrop and in drill core is hosted within a thick rhyolite and is widespread over a large area;
• VMS mineralization at FOREMORE occurs at more than one stratigraphic or time interval; the More Creek Rhyolite and the SG Rhyolite stratigraphic intervals;
• the thick More Creek Rhyolite has several stratigraphic intervals that are mineralized;
• high alteration index ("AI") numbers are observed over wide intervals in the More Creek Rhyolite, indicating a significant hydrothermal system is present;
• sodium depletion and potassium enrichment observed over wide intervals of the More Creek Rhyolite are coincident with anomalous base and precious metal values;
• mineralized zones in the More Creek Rhyolite are overlain by a distinct thickening of basalt flow units that could reflect the presence of a depositional troughs within the More Creek Rhyolite - such depressions are ideal for the formation of large-scale VMS deposits; and,
• many polymetallic, precious metal-rich veins are located over the larger property area and could reflect 'leakage' from a metal rich system associated with the Early Devonian rocks that underlie much of the FOREMORE Property.
The Horizon Cu-Au skarn discovery is related to a coincident magnetic and soil geochemical anomaly with a diameter of approximately 500 m (1,640 ft). The mineralization occurs at the contact between a mafic intrusion and argillaceous limestone and volcanic rocks. A grab sample from outcrop assayed 106.9 g/t Au, 59 g/t Ag and 2.22% Cu. A trench chip sample in the area assayed 18.69 g/t Au, 15.3 g/t Ag and 0.52% Cu over 3.0m (9.8 ft) from host rock containing oxidized magnetite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite (as previously reported in ROK#23-04 on November 18, 2004). Surface work on the Horizon discovery will combine surface geology, trenching and follow-up drilling.
The report recommends a two-staged field program for the 2005 exploration season to include an airborne electromagnetic and magnetometer survey, followed by an initial 9,500 m drilling program in Stage 1. A Stage 2 program including an 8,500 m diamond drill program will be focused on areas with greatest potential. Exploration drilling will primarily focus on the More Creek Rhyolite and the definition of a large-scale VMS system. Additional drilling at other targets will be conducted as the program allows. The NI 43-101 qualified persons supervising the program will be Messrs. Sears and Watkins.
"Scott E. Broughton"
Scott E. Broughton -- President and CEO
For further information contact the Company at:
Tel: 604-684-2900
Fax: 604-684-2902
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.rocamines.com
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