Roca Mines Inc.

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MAX Photos 2007
First Moly Concentrate Shipment from MAX Mine
First Moly Concentrate Shipment from MAX Mine
First Moly Concentrate Shipment from MAX Mine
First Moly Concentrate Shipment from MAX Mine
MAX Flotation at work
MAX Flotation cell
Roca's O'Grady, Skerlec, Broughton and Mirko receive CMEBC Award
MAX Robin Fraser and Kevin Ehman bagging MoS2 Concntrate
MAX Robin Fraser bagged MoS2 Concntrate
MAX Bagged MoS2 Concentrate
MAX Filtering and Bagging Mos2 Concentrate
MAX Filtering MoS2 Concentrate
MAX Filtering MoS2 Concentrate A
MAX Mill Sampling
MAX Flotation Cell
MAX Flotation Cell 2
MAX Flotation Cells
MAX Aerial Site
MAX Aerial Site 2
MAX Aerial Site 3
MAX MoS2 flotation concentrate
MAX Robert Jomphe and regrind mill
MAX Mill in operation
MAX Ball Mills
MAX Fine ore feed to Mill
First cons October 29, 2007
First cons October 29, 2007
First cons October 29, 2007
Concentrate Filter Testing and Commissioning
Flotation Cell Testing and Commissioning
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