Roca Mines Inc.

MAX Photos 2006
New exposure of high-grade molybdenum underground at MAX - Nov06
GENEX Miner at Rock Dump
Snow clearing at Plantsite
Underground Development Rock Dump
Plant Site Area
Tailings Facility Construction
Mine Office And Dry
Ball Mill Loaded For Transport
Dam filter sand screening plant Galena Bay Construction
Drilling Ug truck shop slash GENEX Mining
Drilling with Electric Jumbo GENEX Mining
Drilling with Electric Jumbo GENEX Mining
Foundation cleaning for main dam Galena Bay Construction
Main Dam foundation preparation Galena Bay Construction
Stockpiling filter sand for dams Galena Bay Construction
Mill concrete walls and footings OCT 06
Undergound shop office and dry building OCT 06
Tailings Area Excavators preparing foundation
Tailings area organic soil excavation stockpiling OCT 06
Tailings dam filter sand delivered and stockpiled OCT 06
Mill Bin Wall Sections On Lowboy
Mill Base Ready For Mill Assembly
Mill Building Upper Perimiter Wall
MAX Portal - Drill Jumbo and Loci
MAX Camp - Mill Site - Tailings Facility
MAX Mill Site - Crusher Site - Mine track - Portal
MAX Mill Site Construction
Aerial View (September)
Exploration Board Davidson Carter Jonson Macauley
Exploration Board examining core
Davidson examining core
Exploration Board Davidson Macauley Carter
Exploration Board Macauley Jonson Davidson
Geotech drilling in Tailings area
Undergound drill jumbo ready to go
Undergound drill jumbo ready to go
VanIsle Concrete crew
Closeup of pumping concrete to fine ore bin
Concrete Pumping to fine ore bin
Concrete pumping to fine ore bin
Fine ore bin concrete placement
Fine Ore Bin Formwork
VanIsle Concrete Formwork
Left Mill Base Formwork
Plant site area prep
Underground equipment outside of portal
Scott Broughton and Bill Bennett at Plantsite
Bill Bennett and Roca Team at MAX portal
Ricci Berdusco Scott Broughton Bill Bennett at MAX portal
Blasted Crusher Conveyor Gallery
Blasting Crusher Conveyor Gallery
Drilling and Blasting Mill site
Workers extracting waste rock from MAX mine
View of MAX Mine Access Adit From Above
Mill Building Jun06
Crusher Building Dismantling Jun06
Crusher Building Jun06
Flotation Cell Clean Up Jun06
View from Mill to Transfer Building Jun06
Mill Building Jun06
Motors And Equipment Prep Jun06
Van Stone Crusher June 20 2006
Transfer Building Cladding removal & crane early Jun06
Transfer Building Cladding removal early jun06
Transfer Building Cladding removal early Jun 06
Transfer Builindg exposed early Jun06
Action pic of cladding removal early Jun06
Crusher Building Cladding early Jun06
Fine Ore Bin exposed early Jun06
Mill and Flotation area exposed early Jun06
Mill Building Cladding removal Early Jun06
Crusher Building
Doug Seaton - Water quality sampling
Hwy 31 to Trout Lake
Early morning Trout Lake
John Kiernan, P.Eng.
MAX Crusher foundation area
MAX Mill Bedrock foundation
MAX Mill foundation area
MAX Mill foundation area
Mike Middleton Plant site survey
MAX Plantsite area
MAX Portal area